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About Us

Hospice Care 

Kattleya Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc is an agency-based hospice and palliative care provider. We serve terminally ill patients and those with chronic diseases.


We have a team of hospice and palliative care professionals who can provide the right level of care to these patients. They will also work hand-in-hand with the patient and their families to ensure that all needs and healthcare requirements are met throughout the entire caring process.

Our Mission

Kattleya Hospice and Pallative Care, Inc. aims to provide high-quality care to hospice and palliative patients. We assure to give compassionate care to individuals living with life limiting illness by providing quality medical, emotional, spiritual and social support.

Our Vision

We envision to become a well-known hospice care and palliative care provider that offers the right care to patients. Helping them live as fully and comfortably as possible.

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